The day I turned off the air-conditioner

A few nights ago, the kids were causing lots of trouble at bedtime, as usual.

Celest agreed to turn on the air-conditioner for them, as it was a relatively hot night. I say relative, because we do have some cool nights too. Honestly, it doesn't depend much on the actual outside temperature but more on how their parents feel.

However, they kept wondering outside and leaving the door open - wanting this and that, a soft-toy, a pillow, a sock in the head. Finally I said, "If anyone comes out again, I'm turning the aircon off". And I left it as that.

Ten seconds later, Shannon opens up the door, walks out and says, "I want to drink water". So I say "Sure, but I'm turning off the aircon".

Nigel started screaming, sobbing and crying because he said it was "too hot", he "couldn't sleep" and it was "Shannon's fault". Shannon just said, "it's ok, I don't like the aircon anyway".

I was on a conference call, so I couldn't deal with anything. I just wanted to stick to my promise/threat and not give in. I guess it was something I had to do in order to gain some respect around the house. In the end, everyone fell asleep, the kids know I mean business, and I saved a dollar on the electricity.