Durian Madness (a few times already)

Our family is crazy about durians - the craziness varying in intensity among the members. Given that the durian season is on (but coming to an end (I hope)), we've been eating during very often - during the peak, the durians were $1 for one, and basically the whole house would stink - either directly from the fruit or from people burping and other forms of air exiting the body functions. Tonight once again, the 4 of us (6 including the 2 kids) headed out to NTUC to buy some groceries and conveniently picked up $10 worth of the smelly fruit. Celest, of course, didn't mind - and the other durian maniac Fred was the one who initiated it.

Actually the purchase of the durians were done on the pretext of helping BihYe to get the baby out. The baby is actually due TODAY - but still, nothing is happening, nothing! The baby apparently is not even engaged yet (yes, we've been calling it's mobile phone and it's ringing; corny right?). Anyway, I had a bet with Celest that it would be out on Saturday - let's see what happened.

Back to the durians - mummy said that eating a lot of food/fruits will FORCE the baby out. Celest of course added that the smelliness would help even more - but hey, what do I know, I'm not that crazy about it too! So, all that durian went into her tummy - now it's time to see if the theory works ...

Oooooh - what's that smell Uncle (Fr)ed!